Last Saturday night every single member of my little family was in my little kitchen. That includes two adult humans, one tween human, and three canines who think they're humans. It was a feat, let me say. But the smells that were emanating from that one room were enough to keep us all in there for a while, at least.
Kiddo and I go to classes at our church on Tuesdays. I usually go to a Bible study class, and he goes to classes designed for homeschoolers. We really enjoy it and it gives both of us a break from each other. However, this term I am helping with one of the homeschool classes taught by my friend Lisa. Kiddo is, of course, in one of the classes (we split them into 4-5 grades and 6-8 grades). The book we're using,
The Science Chef, is really a neat book if you want your kids to get interested in cooking.
Each week Lisa gives the kids experiments and recipes that correspond with that week's lesson. Last week we talked about why bread rises and what role yeast plays in bread, etc, etc. One of the recipes was for pizza dough, and since we already had planned on having homemade pizza Saturday night it was perfect timing for us.
We were each in charge of one element of the meal. Sound Man was in charge of toppings, sauteing onions, bell peppers, and mushrooms as well as cooking sausage; I was in charge of the pizza sauce (recipe coming in a minute); Kiddo was in charge of the crust.
Homemade crust at that.

He did great, even kneading it the way Lisa had shown the kids, even if it wasn't exactly the way I do it. I kept telling myself "Don't get in the way, don't get in the way...let him do it his way!" He measured, stirred, kneaded, and then pressed the finished product into our stoneware baker. LOVE that thing!

Can you tell I love Pampered Chef products? The bowl, the spoon, the baker, the roller, they all came from P.C!
(And NO, I wasn't compensated by P.C. I just honestly love their products! Plus, I was a consultant for three years when Kiddo was tee-niney.)
Sorry, random thought. Anyway, after the crust was rolled out, I spooned the sauce on, then Sound Man did his magic with the toppings, finishing it off with pepperoni and Italian blend cheese. Can I tell you this pizza was sooooooooooo good?

I'm so glad it turned out well. I think if it hadn't Kiddo's interest in the kitchen would have gone downhill. Hopefully it will just grow as the class goes on.

Alrighty, here are the recipes for both the pizza dough and sauce. Super, super easy for both.
Basic Pizza Dough(Makes enough for one 12 inch pizza or eight slices)
1 cup warm water (between 100 and 110 degrees F)
1 pkg active dry yeast
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
3 Tbsp oil
2 to 3 cups all-purpose or whole wheat flour
In a large bowl add yeast to water and stir. Add sugar, salt and oil to water and stir well. Add flour to bowl in small amounts and stir after each addition. Add just enough flour so the dough is not sticking in clumps to your hands or the bowl.
Knead dough 2-3 minutes on a lightly floured surface. Let dough rest 5-10 minutes before rolling out on pizza stone or pan, or press into baker for deep dish pizza.
Pizza Sauce1 (8 oz) can tomato sauce
1 tomato, seeded and coarsely pureed
(actually what I did was just chop it to smithereens with my Pampered Chef food chopper. It was as good as pureed!)1 tsp oregano
1 clove garlic, minced
(again, I just used my Pampered Chef garlic press...LOVE that thing!)1/4 tsp paprika
scant 1/4 tsp salt
Blend together and spread over pizza crust. YUMMY!
Hope you like it as much as we did!
Linked up at Jen's
Tasty Tuesday post this week!