To say "Thank you" to all of you who have shared a sweet word of encouragement after Momma's passing wouldn't nearly be enough. I wish I could give every one of you a hug. Please know that I took every word to heart and they all lifted my spirits.
Things are slowly...very slowly getting back to normal. I have yet to clean up the guest room which was Momma's room while she was here. There are some things I really need to do in there, and yet I just don't want to face it. I still have to work through some things...but I'm getting there.
I was just talking to one of my mother's best friends and she mentioned that fall seemed to be the time of year when most of her loved ones have passed away. She said that she just didn't like fall very much for that reason. While the same could be said of my family, losing loved ones hasn't made me change my mind about fall. It's still my favorite season. Yes, I'll always have the memories of losing my precious family members, but that can't take away from the beauty around me.
Just this morning I looked out the window to see my Crape Myrtle turning its fall shade of orange red against the brilliant blue October sky. The temperatures are finally normal, which for us is a perfect 72 degrees as a high today. The breeze is blowing through the window, and my wind chimes are playing a happy melody just outside. Wind chimes that Momma gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago. Sweet song.
These pictures are from last year, but the scenario is the same...

And I can't wait for this beautiful tree to turn golden. It's on one of the streets on the way to the library. It is SO gorgeous.

Yes, while fall brings back bittersweet memories and will bring back even more next year, it still makes my heart smile.