Last night I read Erin's blog, Closing Time and as I read, I started to get excited. See, Erin is Reading the Bible in 90 days. I immediately wanted to do it, too. Amy at Mom's Toolbox is heading it up, and I have to say, I'm overwhelmed. There are over 750 people already signed up to do this. What an accountability group!

So, how about you? Have YOU ever read through the ENTIRE Bible? I haven't, and I've been in church my entire life. Even since coming to know Christ, I haven't read it all the way through. If you think (like I did when I heard about it at Relevant) that reading it in 90 days is impossible, it's not. It's about 12 pages a day. What? I can do that!
The more I talk about it the more excited I get. I mean, there will be things that, as a 40 year old Southern Baptist girl, I have never laid eyes on. How cool is that!
I can't wait to see what God has in store for me through this! It's not too late to get started! Today was the first day's reading. You can do it!

I can't imagine reading through the whole Bible in 90 days. I've done the Bible in a year several times. I took '09 & '10 off but have started it up again. Can't wait to hear what you "see." I love reading through the Bible in a year - it's amazing the things you think you know or the things you still don't know. For many years did I hear the story of Moses but everyone totally skips over the part where God was going to kill him because Moses was ignoring God's command to be circumsised (I know - interesting topic's an example :) ) and his wife saves his life? I can't wait to hear what you get out of it!! Go, Heather!
Seriously, I was just convicted about my bible reading (or lack thereof). Our church offers a Bible in a Year guide and I picked it up last year and never did anything with it. BUT, my desire is to grow this year so I am doing it. I think 90 days is a little overwhelming for me because I like to chase too many rabbits, but I am excited about doing my daily reading this year. I am much proud of you friend!!
I am so excited for you! I did this last January because I had never read through the entire Bible and it was making me feel like a huge loser!
I am a super slow reader and it took me about 1 1/2 hours a day. I usually broke it down into (3) 30 minute sessions. Just keep reading, you can do it!
Now I read my Bible everyday (not usually 1 1/2 hours!) and it doesn't feel like a chore, it's a privilege and a blessing. As it should be.
I'm glad you will be reading with us... and that you are encouraging your readers to read with us, too!
It's an amazing experience! I promise you won't regret this use of your time :)!!
PS: We are up to more than 950 readers!!!
You are too sweet! I'm so behind in my reading...I just saw your mention of me here! I'm so glad you're reading the Bible in 90 Days too! I'm struggling to keep up this week, but the blessing is going to be huge, I know! :)
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