There are times when I struggle to be grateful. I look around me and see my less than perfect house, or get my feelings hurt when I'm not asked to sing, or focus too much on a relationship that isn't going the way I want it to. But in reading Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts (if you decide to buy the book and click the link on my right sidebar, I get a small commission...but even if you don't click the link, just BUY THE BOOK!), I realize that I'm to be grateful, even when I don't feel like it (like right this minute).
How ironic it was yesterday when our pastor preached about fear, specifically worry, and how to combat it by expressing gratitude. I almost came out of my seat wanting to tell everyone that this book was about exactly that! So, in light of the fact that my heart is hurting, I give my list, slowly on its way to one thousand.
21. moonlight on bedcovers22. Zephaniah 3:17
23. Kiddo getting his Awana Timothy Award (more on that later)
24. sweet, soulful canine eyes
25. listening to my husband breathe in restful sleep
26. air conditioning
27. four pillows
28. happy memories that cause laughter
29. late afternoon golden light
30. seeing the first lightning bugs of the year

And even as I sit here after I've typed these, my heart is lifted. Oh, the power of eucharisteo!

Good for you, Heather; good for you. Choosing to be thankful can be hard when your heart is heavy, but it's really worth the effort, isn't it? Bless you!
Congratulations to your kiddo on the Timothy award! I know mama was right there helping him and cheering him on.
Wonderful list of gifts! What a blessing to have air conditioning. Definitely something to not take for granted! I love a memory that can make you laugh! :)
I love your list of things for which to be thankful in today's post. Congrats to your son for his AWANA award! Blessings!
I am thankful for YOU.
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