I'm not a world traveler like
Lisa-Jo or
I don't write books like


I don't write music like

I don't take pictures like
But I need these women. I need the other women in this blogging community, too.
Amy Lynn Andrews shared in one of the breakout sessions at Relevant that we need each other in community. Worry about someone else's blog does not allow me to do anything with what God has given ME.

She encouraged us to fight through the comparison issues that threaten us fulfilling the Great Commission through our blogs. We all have the same story to tell in thousands of versions...what Christ has done in our lives.

I have a story to tell. One that is my very own, that no one else shares. And someone needs to hear me share my story the only way I can share it.

This is why I blog. Do I wish I had thousands of followers and get to go on mission trips to blog about and get to be a "cool kid" at a blogger's conference? Well, honestly...sometimes, yes.

But whose fame do I really, deep down, want to write about? Whose agenda do I want to promote? Why am I writing at all if it's not to gain fame and followers?
Jesus. It's all about Him.
Even when I write
silly posts and
talk gibberish (because I do love writing to make people laugh), I always want to make sure I'm pointing others
to Christ and not
away from Him.

I was asked so many times at Relevant "What's your blog about?" and most of the time I hem-hawed around and said it was just about my life and nothing specific (meaning nothing special). But the more time I spent listening to the women God placed around me I learned that I DO have something special. I have a voice of my own that no one else has.
Emily shared in another of the breakout sessions to not write for an audience. Write for one girl. If my story (or, as it normally is with me and my wordy self...stor
ies) speaks to one girl, then I've met my goal.

So...from here on out, my goal is to be more authentic, more transparent. Not to write to please people (I'm a
good girl, after all), but to write to please HIM.
I can't wait for the journey to begin. Come with me?
sweet post girl!!
(whoops! I just wrote a comment and it disappeared. I'll write it again and hope it doesn't show up twice!!) Let me see, what did I say the first time??
I love your blog. You encourage me when I am unsure of myself. Thanks for your honesty. Please keep up the good work. I thank the Lord for how He encourages me through you. Thanks to you, too!
Whoo hoo! Use that voice!!!! :D
I LOVE this post. It is real and authentic. If that is what you walked away with from this conference, then I feel like you are one of the people who "got it". I am sooo glad to have met you, and we do need each other as a community.
P.S. I would love to get your notes from the breakout sessions. I have a feeling we didn't go to the same ones, and obviously there was some good stuff. I also love the pic you have of Emily and me. What a gift you are!
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