So, have you noticed I've been out for over a week? Hello? Anyone? Bueller? Fry?
Life just seems to be getting busier and busier. Easter a couple weekends ago, our Women's retreat this weekend at which I am leading worship with a couple of the most talented songwriters/singers I know (of course that's not saying much...I don't know that many, but trust me when I say that they are amazing!), and Kiddo's baseball season has begun. Crazy, crazy, crazy.
But even though I have been absent from the blog world for a few days, y'all have not been absent from my heart. I still am so amazed that in the year I've been blogging I've gained so many friendships, some who live in my computer, and some I've been privileged to meet in real life.
Did you hear that little blip in the paragraph above? I said, " the year I've been blogging...." Do you know what that means? I missed my own blogiversary! It was April 14th, and I just didn't have time to write anything!!! I was so disappointed, but at the same time I thought, this IS my blog, after all, and I really don't need to stress over it! What I have started stressing over, however, is the worry that I might lose some of my friends from my inactivity. I try to nip it in the bud when those thoughts come around, because I know my true friends will be with me no matter how often I update my blog.
I have lots to share with you over the next few days, but it might take me longer to post those thoughts than a few days. I do want to give you a preview of something reeeeeeally special...something you might want to stay tuned for.....something really pretty and's a glimpse:
Hmmm, wonder what it could be? Well, what do most people do for their blogiversary? I'll let you figure that one out while I show you why my arms are just now getting over Easter weekend.
Sorry for the blurry, too white picture...Sound Man was trying to do what he does on Sunday mornings as well as take video of the choir...kind of hard to do at the same time. This was after the first service on Sunday morning (we had already had two on Saturday night and the one right before this vid was shot; then we had one more service after this; not to mention practice Saturday arms were killing me Sunday night. So much so I had to take a muscle relaxer and it didn't do anything for me!). Just goes to show you what a crazy bunch of people I get to work with. I am the one directing the choir, just behind the bald guy at the keyboard. That would be Darth Don, the piano player Kiddo aspires to be like one day. Anyway, here you go...prepare yourselves for the insanity...
Can I tell you how much I love doing what I get to do?
More details on my hint hints later...just don't give up on me!

Yeah. I've been thinking about leaving because you just don't update enough. I just need more, you know?........Naaaaaaaawwwww! Just kiddin'. I just couldn't resist as you DID call me a wierdo ;)
I'll always stop by when you have an update!!! It looks like a pretty birdie tassel to me!!! I can't wait to see!♥
I've missed your posts. :o)
We've been pretty busy around here I can completely understand. We have two of our girls in soccer. Hubby coaches one of the teams. Keeps us busy...along with all the other things going on.
Love the video! I looks like you guys had a praise party on Easter, too. :)
I've missed you, but life just gets busy. Happy Blogoversary!
I'm still here! You are on my blogroll so I always know when you post! I'm subscribed as well!
Can't wait to see all you have in store!
Hey Heather!! I did that once to my arms but I had gone canoeing! Man I hurt! I have missed you! but you've come by and said Hi so I wasn't too worried! Looks like one of your beautiful tassels to me! can't wait to see it! Tell my nephew and grand nephew I love 'em! God Bless! Aunt Lauralu :)
Girlfriend! You said it all when you said your true friends. We are here. We will wait on you. We are not going anywhere. Promise.
I think I know what you are up to and let me just say....I cant wait to see! Im so exicited and I know you will be making some pretty darn sweet goodies. I wish you could come on over to our church and bless us with your sweet voice too! Maybe one day when you and Kat come to hang out with Me and Miss for the weekend. I have so many plantations I could show yall you would go crazy!!! Did I ever tell you I was a tour guide at the plantation Marc and I were married at? It was so much fun. I got to play dress up everyday and felt so SUTHERN'... well chat with you later and dont worry your pretty lil head over losing friends. Been there and done that...doesnt help. Just post when you can...we will wait. Love ya!
Happy One Year! So fun. And, I'm thinking a tassle???
Hey, Heather, thanks for stopping. It IS so hard to keep up with all the wonderful people out in blogland, I'm constantly behind myself. Happy 1 year of blogging!
Happy Bloggiversary!
I know you're busy and barely online anymore, so no pressure, but I just tagged you. Peek at my blog when you get a sec!
Did Susie just invite us to her place in her comment? We should so hold her to that ;) Oh, and I'm so sorry you have hot glue burns on your hot glue burns. You sound really pitiful. And you have my sympathy. And I can't wait to see your tassels at the fair. And if I have money at the time purchase one. And I think that's about it...gotta go get ready for tomorrow :)
Yay! You're back!
Happy 1 year blogiversary!!!! Mine's coming up too. Crazy, huh?
I am really digging the new header! Beeeeeyouuuuuuteeeful!
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