I bet you were expecting me to be gushing about my husband again, weren't you? Well, don't let the title fool you...I'll get to that. Instead of my regular "My Husband Rocks" post (which this will turn into...just go with me here), I have to tell you about my week. More specifically, about Sound Man's week.
It all started Thursday night. No, even earlier. The Saturday before last (at least I think that's when it was), Sound Man and Kiddo were at Kiddo's baseball practice. Sound Man was acting as ump behind the plate, when the catcher missed a pitch and it landed smack on Sound Man's right arm. He said he felt like it broke a bone when it hit. It didn't, but it hurt like heck, swelling and turning the most awful shade of purple. Fast forward to Thursday night when a friend asked for his help moving. Things were going fine until he and his friend Jeff were moving a couch. The couch shifted and landed right on his hurt arm. Ugh. So he came home a little more bruised and sore. Then Friday he did yard work all evening. Saturday came and was a work day for a mission project our church was doing. By this time his arm was swollen almost as bad as it was when he was first hit.
As much as I'm talking about his arm, you'd think that's what this post is about. Well, it's not. Actually, this is a two-fold post. First, my husband really does rock because even though he was hurting, he pressed on, helping others as well as doing what needed to be done here at home.
I'm getting to my second part...bear with me. After the work day at church, we had barbecue provided by the Small Group ministry...delicious smoked barbecue. Man, was it good. So good, Sound Man ate two sandwiches. Only after he ate did he realize what that good meal might eventually cost him. See, he has recently discovered that eating smoked meat triggers his migraines. Uh-huh. And he was out of his medicine. Monday morning, he woke up with one of his nasty headaches, but went to work anyway. He took some over the counter stuff, which relieved some of the pain, but never really took it away completely. Then, Monday night, as we were driving home from Kiddo's baseball game, he suddenly stopped talking in mid sentence, pulled the van over, and asked me to drive. He scared me to death. I asked him what happened and he said he felt a pop in his head and got really dizzy. I told him I was taking him to the hospital but he said it was just part of the migraine and to just go home. He went to work Tuesday, still hurting, and by Wednesday he finally relented and went to the doctor.
As I'm eating lunch with my mother who had just come from taking a chemo treatment, I got a phone call from my husband telling me he's on the way to the hospital to have a CAT scan done. The doctor wanted to check to make sure there were no broken blood vessels or anything seriously wrong. Lovely. I'm a worrier by nature. I'll let you figure out my state of mind.
By Thursday morning the pain was so bad he could get out of bed only long enough to take hot showers to relieve some of it. We called the doctor who said the CAT scan came back okay but to come in and get a shot. Finally! I was so thankful the scan came back normal, thankful he was going to finally get some relief. A few hours after his shot and he was almost pain free. Last night at bedtime he said he was about 80%, so that's good.
What's my point in all of this? That my husband, no matter if he's hurting or not, doesn't stop. He "plays hurt" as a friend of ours likes to say. He presses on. I'm so thankful that he sets such a good example of perserverence for our son. I hope Kiddo can see what a good man his daddy is.
I know I can.

Goodness! I'm glad he's ok. It sounds like the both of you had a rough week.
what a great guy! praise the Lord that he's okay - those brain issues are always scary!!! - i'm a worrier, too, so i can totally feel your pain! :)
That is scary! I am so glad he is okay, poor guy!
My hubby got hit in the face with a softball, was bleeding and in intense pain and didn't think he needed to go to the hospital! Thankfully another man on the team convinced him to go - he had smashed some bones in his face!
wow. your husband has a high tolerance for pain! he's like superman! so glad to hear he's ok and nothing serious.
My goodness, Heathahlee. I feel so bad that I had no idea. I know that had to be so scary. Glad it's all okay now! You need to give that man some extra lovin' ;)
Oh my gosh Heather, he inherited his dad's migraines! I'm so glad everything is alright and hope he's pain free now! I am so proud of him! But wish he wouldn't push so hard! I want to tell you I've got a little something over at my blog for ya! So come by when you get a chance and pick it up! God Bless! Aunt Lauralu
Wow!! What an intense week you have had. So glad to know that it ended well! Hope he's all better now. Give him lots of snuggles and tell him he should not run out of his migraine meds next time. Love you and so thankful all is well. :)
So glad he is feeling better. I know it is hard to stop when so many people rely on him. Hope the weekend brings rest..
Glad he is ok!
As for my china cabinet and dining table/chairs, they are from my grandparents and they bought them in the 60's. Is that about how old yours is?
What a great guy. I'm so sorry about the migraines though. My hubby gets them too and they can be so painful. We finally figured out that his trigger is aspartame. Weird, huh?
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