So, did y'all watch "A Dog Named Christmas" Sunday night? It was on CBS and was a sappy, sweet, cheesy Hallmark Hall of Fame Christmas movie. Right up my alley. Fo' realz. I loooooove sappy, sweet, cheesy Christmas movies. I could watch one every day of December. Well, maybe not that often, but I do love them.
This movie was about a family with a youngest son who is mentally challenged. He hears about a program the local animal shelter is running to temporarily adopt pets out of the shelter over the Christmas holiday, then return them if they want, or, hopefully, adopt them permanently. Pretty sneaky. And wonderful.
Without giving any details away, let me just say that tears were flowing from all three of us. Adopting a rescued dog is very close to our hearts, as you probably know. Jonathan, our Golden Retriever, was rescued last year from the side of the road along with his brother, Skip. We adopted Jonathan and our friends Jeff and Lisa adopted Skip, much to our delight. You can read our story here. And here.

Throughout the movie, between tears, we each took turns loving all over Jonathan. Not that he was all that excited about it. I think he gets a little tired of us kissing him so much. But he tolerates us. 'Cause, well, you know, we did save him from a life of concrete floors and Ol' Roy dog food.
Even though it was 10 p.m. when the movie went off, we still had to put the tree up, since our main goal of the evening was to get the tree up, not get caught up in a sappy tear-jerker. But the kisses didn't stop.

I love this picture...I think Jonathan is saying, "Would you leave me ALONE, already!"
But not before he gave Daddy some of his own kisses...

How our lives have been blessed by this dog. I know it sounds crazy, and for those of you who aren't "dog people" you might not understand the bond we have with him. He makes us laugh every day. I mean, I can't look at this picture without giggling...

He loves unconditionally, even after I've had to swat his nose for doing something he's not supposed to. And oh, how I hate to swat his nose. For some reason, much more than I did with Windi or Shadow. I think because I'm not sure where he came from or what he had to endure.
What is my reason for writing ANOTHER post about my dog? Adopting a shelter or abandoned dog was never our intention. We had already had two pedigreed dogs...why should we change now? Well, for one thing, pedigreed dogs are expensive. Another thing, pedigreed dogs are, for the most part, pampered and loved their ENTIRE lives. Rescued dogs are...well...rescued. I think they love more intensely. I think they are more loyal. Maybe it's just my imagination and faulty memory, but I really believe Jonathan is that way. Even though I was against the idea to begin with. Snob that I am.
It just so happens that there is a program just like in the movie. Petfinder.com has a "Foster a Lonely Pet" program. It's not permanent. But it just might be.
I challenge you to think about it. I bet you'll be glad you did.

What a sweet doggie! Ours is 15 now and we adore him, although he is getting older and has way more accidents. Like daily. Humph. Poor guy. Poor us. We still love him though.
Awwwww I love Jonathan too!! I have heard that rescues are WONDERFUL pets. I have never adopted my dogs from a shelter, cause I seem to be stuck on poodles, but I have found two of my three cats and rescued them.
Hope you got your tree up and that you are having a wonderful day.♥
Rescues can make wonderful pets, but they can also have some issues. Our big dog was a shelter puppy and she has some fear issues that I wish I'd paid more attention to before we adopted her.
On the other hand, I've had a pure bred dog that had issues of another sort. (Remember Muffin "The West Highland TERROR?") So, I guess ANY dog has the potential for psychological issues.
Or, I may just always end up with dogs that have strange psychological issues. (Remember Bess, the OCD Border Collie?)
I love him!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so sweet...i can tell through the pictures...:) Meme
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