My bff, Kat, texted me a few days ago letting me know that not only had Ann Voskamp commented on our One Thousand Gifts picture, but that we also were in the new slideshow on her posts at A Holy Experience and Bloom (in)courage. I was almost giddy when I saw that she had written on a picture I had loaded on Facebook. Still more so when I saw mine and Kat's faces drift by on the slideshow. And as I sit here still excited, I start to wonder...why?
Why did I get so excited that a woman, a mother like me who homeschools her children and loves her husband and worships her God, commented on a picture? Well, it's hard to get past the fact that it IS Ann Voskamp. Even before the book, her blog has blessed me so many times. I told her at Relevant '10 that I had stopped reading her blog because it brought me to tears each time I read it. Do you know what she did when I said that? She apologized. For making me cry. I'm telling you, this woman exudes grace.

But looking past that, what she is is a woman who simply listened to what God told her to do. From beginning her beautiful blog, to writing the book, she listened to His nudging. Is still listening as the popularity of her book grows. If I were to do the same thing, where would God take me?
No, I don't expect to write a best selling book. Nor do I expect to be a speaker at a blog conference. I don't expect to sing concerts the world over, either. But what joy and happiness would be mine if I just listened to Him...and did what He asked?
I have to admit that I let my life be guided by fear more often than I let it be guided by God. Fear of the future, fear of people not liking me, fear of people not liking my child, fear of not parenting my child well, fear of getting bitten by a brown recluse (yes, I'm serious...I'm deathly afraid of spiders).
Why do I live like that? I haven't read One Thousand Gifts completely...since I'm reading the Bible in 90 days, I haven't had time to read it the way I really want to, but I've read far enough into it to know that if I let go of my fear and grab hold of Eucharisteo...giving thanks in EVERYTHING...that my life will be changed.

I can't wait to read it. To sit with it and hear Ann's voice as I read the words. In case you haven't purchased it yet, you can get it by clicking the link above. It's on sale for $12.99. You can also get a "DayBrightener" and the book in a set...what a beautiful gift that would be!
Ann Voskamp - DayBrightener and Book Set - God in the Moment and One Thousand Gifts
If you just gave the DayBrightener and kept the book for yourself I wouldn't tell! Right now is a GREAT time to purchase the set...it's on sale for $16.98, normally $26.98.
While I do get a small percentage from any sale generated from clicking my Dayspring ads (like the one above as well as the ones on my sidebar), I was not compensated in the least to talk about Ann's book. I just can't wait to read it.

And I can't wait to read it after I've finished THE ENTIRE BIBLE THIS THURSDAY!!! I'm just a little excited.