Okay, the banner at the top is the finished product so far. We might tweak it a little more in our spare time in between baseball games and choir practice and band practice and church and praise team and Wednesday practice and spending quality time with each other. So, yeah, next decade maybe.
Sowehneeways (Nacho, remember?), when my sweet hubby was tweaking it this morning he called me, chuckling over the phone, and told me to pull the site up. When I did, the finished product had been enhanced with lovely orange traffic cones. I laughed my tail off. I told you a few days ago that I'd explain my habit of falling down a lot. Here you go.
First, I have to tell you how it all began. Plastic heels. Yep. Most of my friends think it started in Atlanta a year ago. I've kept my secret well, I think. I can't remember the times I've fallen before 6th grade, so it must have been the plastic heels. See, 6th grade graduation was coming up and since I was feeling all grown up, I felt like I needed a pair of heels to wear for graduation. Now, being the clumsy 12 year old I was, I had no business wearing heels, no matter what they were made of. But I must have begged and begged and begged Momma for the white molded plastic heels from K-mart. It didn't matter that I clomped like a horse with a bad shoe. It didn't matter that they had no strap at the ankle to hold them on my clumsy feet. I was maturing into a teenager, dang it, and I needed me some heels.
I decided that for church the Wednesday night before graduation I'd wear my plastic heels, since I was about to be all grown up and stuff. I did fine, clomping around the church's fellowship hall during Wednesday night supper, until I had to take my dishes back to the kitchen. I made it all the way to the hallway between the kitchen serving window and fellowship hall with my dishes before my plastic heels, which by this point had become decidedly perspiratory, decided they wanted to get out from under my 12 year-old clumsy self. Down I went, dishes and all. Oh, it made such a horrible racket. From the plastic heels smacking the concrete, the dishes clattering out of my hands, and the silverware clanging off the dishes, I made a racket. Thankfully, there weren't that many people in the hallway getting their suppers. Just a few, "Are you okay?"s from kind people. Totally embarrassed, I quickly gathered my dishes, put the cursed plastic heels back on and went to sit with my Momma, who was blessedly unaware of what had just happened.
Needless to say, when 6th grade graduation rolled around, I crossed the stage not wearing my molded plastic, white heels. No, my better judgement (or, more likely my wise mother) got the best of me and I wore some very practical, if not fashionable, sandals. Low, low sandals. With pantyhose. Obviously my better judgement has its limits.
More about my dangerous habit later...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
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I remember your being SO happy to be a PRE-teen.
Time sure does fly.
Of course, now you can say "I'm SO happy to be PRE-menopausal!" HA!
Love you.
Oh, and I also remember that we got just about ALL our clothes from K-Mart at that time. I remember laughing because somebody told me that I "dressed rich" -whatever that meant- because everything I had on was once a Blue Light Special.
Hi! I've read a few of your comments over at Chatting at the Sky and thought I'd pop over. OK. That sounds kind of creepy. Like I'm a comment stalker or something.
Love your falling down story. I'm a bit of a klutz myself so I've been there. Someday I'll have to post my story of falling flat on my belly in Target when I was 9 months preggo. It was priceless. The baby was fine so my hubby shares the story every chance he gets.
And, can I join your Target shoe club? I've been eyeing those shoes at both Target and Kohls for almost a year now. I've got $20 in Kohls Cash to use. I think it's time for some new shoes!
I've enjoyed reading your blog today. I'll be back!
Oh- and Alto-Women Rock! At least that what we say in our choir!
Thanks for coming by and commenting on my blog. I'm so glad you did because now I know about some cute shoes at Target...I am totally getting a pair, I need something other than flip flops and Crocs.
You're in the REAL blogging world now, Heathahlee!! Unknown commenters and everything!
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