Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Showing Jesus

A neighbor down the street lost a loved one this weekend. She ended up on my front porch yesterday morning in tears, just wanting to know if she could sit on my swing. She said her family was just getting on her nerves and needed some time alone. Of course I said yes, and was at a loss to know what else to do.

What do you do in situations like that? My cousin emailed me right after I had talked to my neighbor and I asked her the same question. I loved her response.

"... the best witness I've ever seen was just seeing a person whose life was driven by God. Not bible verses. Or "God has a reason for everything". Just kindness. Love. Strength. And an unwavering faith that makes you wonder, "What do THEY have?" So I suppose just using this opportunity to become friends and show them those things. :)"

So, my son and I headed to the grocery store. It was what I knew to do. I knew there was a need, so I did what I could to take care of it, hoping they would not just see a kind person, but that they would see Jesus's love through me. I got a bunch of sandwich stuff, plates, cups, napkins, a styrofoam cooler, and a huge bag of ice that promptly put a hole in the styrofoam cooler. We had some drinks that we didn't use for small group that I took down to her, too.

She and her family were very appreciative. Once the arrangements for the funeral have been made, I plan on organizing food and stuff from ladies from church. I know they will want to be involved in loving on this family.

But is this enough? Will they see Jesus in our casseroles and covered dishes? I just have to pray that He will open the door later for discussion with her. And pray that I have the willing heart to be open to having a "lost" friend. My comfort zone is exactly that. Comfortable. I don't like being uncomfortable, but then, I don't guess this life we live in Christ is supposed to ever get comfortable, is it?


Anonymous said...

Heather, you have such a sweet heart. Thanks for the reminder to step OUT of our comfort zones and live like Jesus.


Kimba said...

Heather, Great post today. I can speak to you as someone who didn't come to Christ until I was an adult. There was one dear person in my life who loved Christ and loved me even when I wasn't very lovable.

She did the kind of things that you wrote about. She loved me. Cared for me. And basically just allowed me to see into her life. I always knew that she had a peace about her that I wanted. When the Lord was ready, He opened my eyes and I could clearly see where that peace came from.

You're doing exactly the right thing. You do the part that God is calling you to do and He will take care of the rest.