Thursday, May 22, 2008

What I can't post about

Grrr. Grrr, grrr, grrrrrrrr. Batteries stink. No, let me rephrase that. Dead batteries stink. Dead batteries cause you to not be able to use your digital camera. Dead batteries limit you on what you can post about. Dead batteries won't let you show your new goodies from amazing places, like World Market, Old Time Pottery, and Hancock's. Dead batteries stink.

On a brighter note, let me say that I have decided on a goodie, and while it's nothing along the lines of what The Nester would give away, it's from my heart (hint hint) and each time I make one it makes me smile.

And don't worry about the ones who are not leaving a comment. That just leaves more chances for you wonderful, fantabulous people to win!

I'm still mad about the dead batteries, though.


niaodian said...

LoLs...I like your Dead Batterires Stink theory...ahh...

Anonymous said...

You crack me up!

Kat said...

Just yesterday, I spend $19 on batteries. Seriously! I not only don't like dead batteries, I don't like how much new batteries cost!

I could loan you some batteries :)