Why does Heathahlee ROCK? For starters she is perfect for me. She is my best friend, lover, and encourager. She takes time to understand me, love me, and encourage me daily. Even when I mess up and just can’t seem to get things right, she holds me up and says, “I know you can do it”.

Secondly she sings. Not just sings, worships. Not just worships, but leads others in worship. Not only does she have the talent to sing, but she has a heart to worship. I love to watch her practice her music and weep with the understanding of who she is singing to.
Also she is an awesome mom. She home schools our very smart child. Why do I mention how smart he is? It is sometimes a little more challenging to teach those who already know everything J. Why is our son so smart though, because of his teacher!
One more thing (even though I could go one for hours), she has started doing what she has wanted to do for years. With bloggy friends like Kimba, Strawberry Blonde and so many others to encourage and share with, she has blossomed in the fun craft stuff. She even painted me a bird this weekend. I now have it on my desk at work.

I wanted it to be blue. I just love blue. But I love Heathahlee more!!
(she will kill me for this and probably change her password, but it was fun!)
Guest Blogger aka The Hubbie
You are just too sweet...and she does seem like such a dear, sweetheart!!! You are now in the bird club....a beautiful blue bird!!!
You are so dead. After I give you a big fat kiss.
You may be a strange stranger, but you are a sweet strange stranger...
Oh, hubby man, you are so sweet. I love that you love her and that you want to share it with others.
And I totally love the blue bird on your desk.
-- Brandi
Oh, my, Heathahlee, this is just the sweetest man. You are blessed!!
Way to go, Guest Blogger!!!
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