At our church, our women's ministry is called SHE. I'm so awful. I don't even know if that stands for anything. I know that our Bible study on Tuesdays is called GROW (Girls Raised on the Word), but that's about it. However, I know what SHE does. SHE covers all ministries for women, whether it's SHE Grows, where all women in our area are invited to come join in their choice of studies (last fall I led TrueFaced, but there were many other classes available), or SHE Encourages, where ladies make blankets to take to anyone in need. And I do mean anyone. Last year those industrious women made and gave out more than 2,000 blankets. And from the preschool moms' ministry to the blogging world, there are many women involved in reaching out to our community.
So, why am I introducing you to SHE? Well, mainly so I could post these pictures from Saturday night. Our Women's Ministry Director, Kam, graciously invited leaders, past and future, as well as our spouses, to her home for a game-playing, barbecue eating, picture taking fun time. And boy, did we have fun.
Let me say here that I love playing board and card games. When I say card games, no, I do NOT mean Poker! : ) I mean like Rummy, Phase 10, Skip-Bo, Uno, and my all-time, ALL-TIME favorite, Pit. Man, I love that game. If you know how to play, you know it's crazy. C.R.A.Z.Y. If you don't know how, here's what I'm talking about:
That would be me in the pink shirt, yelling the loudest, standing up I'm so into the game. But, like you see, all of us are spazzing out. For those of you who don't know how to play, basically you have to "corner the market" on a "commodity" like sugar, oats, oranges, etc. Once you have all of your cards of one commodity, you ring the bell and win the hand. You have to trade cards of the ones you don't want, all by yelling how many cards you have to trade. And everyone is doing this all at the same time. Man, I could never work on Wall Street. Here are some more pictures:

More Pit

Kam and Me
Jamy and Ami
Clockwise, from Me at the end of the table: Ami, Jamy (she and I swapped places since she was hot and I was freezing!), Angie, Lisa, Jennifer, Cindy, Tobie

My silly camera Sound Man
The guys got so scared of us yelling they went upstairs to play pool.
That's Jack and Randy. And someone holding a pool cue.

We finally headed into the living room to play Spoons. It's crazy, too.

One of my best friends, Jonathan's Aunt Lisa
(she and her family have Skip, Jonathan's brother)
Here we all are! Sorry this picture is so dark. Back row from left: Jennifer, Nicole, Ami, Lisa, Lynn, Judy, Kelly. Second row from left: Me, Kam, Angie, Jamy, Ola. Bottom row from left: Laura, Tobie, Cindy.
We had such a good time. There were tons of people there, which always makes things more fun. I'm so thankful I get to work with these ladies in one form or another.