Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Blogger in Town

You know how I said I was going to post about our snow day? And how on Fridays I post about how much my husband rocks? And how I haven't posted in about a week? Yeah. Well, life is just happening and I've been busier than a one-armed paper hanger. I mean no offense to any one-armed paper hangers, so don't email me nasty emails. Good grief.

But today, I had to take time out to post. A few weeks ago we went to Sound Man's maternal Grandmother's birthday party. When I found out about it, I knew exactly what I was going to give her...tassels! I didn't take any pictures of them (drat), but they were cute. One was more of just a hanging thingie than a tassel. I took a small cross stitch hoop, painted it to match my fabric, and stretched her tartan plaid over it like you would cross stitch fabric. Then I took a couple of little tassels from some fringe and hot glued them to the bottom, and hung a ribbon on top. It turned out so cute I'm planning on doing the same thing with our tartan this Christmas. The freaky thing is, Sound Man's mom's maiden name is derived from the same name his dad's last name is. Does that make sense? Probably not, but the point of this rambling is to say that his mom's family tartan is the same as his dad's. I think that is too cool. Anyway, I got a lot of remnant fabric from an online tartan store all the way in Wales (almost all of our family line is Welsh) and I'm trying to figure out what to do with it.

Anyway, man, that was a ramble if I ever heard one. My point to all of it was to say that Sound Man's Aunt Laura was so inspired by the tassels (she really didn't need my'll see why in a sec...) that she started making her own! Not only did she start making tassels, she now has her own blog!

Here is her bunny tassel. Lauralu, I hope you don't mind me swiping your picture! I couldn't help myself!

Is it not absolutely adorable? She also made a birdie tassel, too, which is just as beautiful. The birdie tassel I gave Grandmother doesn't even compare to her beautiful ribbon-embellished creation. So, so pretty.

So, head on over to Hidden Promise and give her some bloggy lovin'. Tell her Heathahlee sent you. Maybe she'll give me that bunny. JUST KIDDING, LAURA!!!


Darlene said...

That looks like a beautiful tassel. I'll go say hi!

Anonymous said...

How cute!! Still something I've yet to tackle is a tassel. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I'm sure yours was fab, though.

I've seen mom's family tartan and for the life of me cannot remember what it looks like. I would love to know more about Scott's family, though. It would be interesting to know why he is the way he is, I mean to know his heritage for my childrens sake.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your nice wishes. I now how you feel :oD

Hug, Suzy

Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

Sweet Heather! I missed this! I didn't know you did this! I just thought it was sweet that some people came over from your blog to check mine out! I've got a rooster one now that I really like! I'm going to post it too! Thank you sweetie! Love and God Bless
P.S. I didn't know that about the tartans! How cool!!!