I. Am. Worn. Out. Like, can hardly type because I'm so tired. But what a weekend Kat and I had! Just wanted to jump on here and say that I will be posting a TON of pictures this week from our weekend in Nashville. No, we didn't go to Blissdom, we just went for the party. Not really. Oh, who am I kidding...yes, we did.
I was so thankful that Susie and Kimba and Jen and Nester and Rhoda and Julia let me crash their after hours chat session Friday night (okay, girls, how'd I do with the linking? Aren't you proud? : ) ). I learned so much in just that little bit of time how to make blogging easier (Rhoda, Sound Man is going to download Writer tomorrow!). I can't wait to actually go to the conference next year.
Then Saturday night I kept Susie and her sister, Missy, from getting a good night's rest...we stayed up till after 1:00 a.m! Sorry, girls, but I was enjoying myself way too much! Y'all were so much fun to talk to!
So much happened while they were all conferencing! Kat and I went to some of the neatest places. All those pictures will be post fodder this week. She and I haven't spent good, one on one quality time together in forever. We laughed, we cried, we tried to find parking spots. Good times. Just so you know, Kat, I had the best time with you. You're my best friend for a reason. : )

Can't wait to see all the fun photos.
Love, Suzy
Hi, Heather! Thanks for following me & for stopping by on the mirror project. You have to try it! I was so happy to get to know you too & had a blast with everyone. I'm tired too!
Good mornin! Sounds like you had one great weekend! Don't think I didn't notice that you changed your profile pic! Lookin' good! Those eyelash curlers really do look like some kind of torture device! Can't wait to see your pics
! Love, Aunt Lauralu :)
that is the cutest picture of you two..can't wait to see the pics. I didn't get many which is a bummer. You are SO precious, and fast friend for sure. I am SO bummed that we didn't get to spend more time together. I wish you would have known I was hanging down in the lobby for HOURS on Sat. night...oh well. Next time. :)
What a fun time!! Sounds like you and the girlies had a blast! Looking forward to pics. And your profile shot is great. You're so pretty.
Now, get all rested up so you can post more pics and stuff.
so glad to hear you had such a fabulous weekend! can't wait to see pictures!
It sounds like you had such a FABULOUS weekend. What fun!!! I can't wait to see more pictures!♥
Hey friend...you I can call you that now,smile. We are friends for real,hehe. It was so worth it staying up late. I did sleep very good for a change last night. Im still a bit in weird mode. Trying to get back to real life as I knew it. Your profile picture is rockin' and I love it. Yes, we do have to get together so we can get that picture. love yall! Susie
Okay. You made me a little misty, a little verklempt.
Love you,
It looks like you learned a lot and had a great time. Stop by my blog and see what is waiting for you there. :)
You ROCK!! Enjoyed your visiting with us half the night, felt like a slumber party. Even if I never Blog again (NOT)it was worth getting to meet you.
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