I am so excited! I recently purchased the new e-book by Brooke McGlothlin, Warrior Prayers: Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most. Brooke not only writes for her own blog, A Life in Need of Change, but also writes for one of my favorite blogs, The M.O.B. Society, of which she is co-founder. Today I have the privilege of interviewing Brooke...my first blog interview that involves someone over the age of 11! This is big.
Before I get to the interview, let me say that this book has the potential to change generations. Not the book itself, but implementing what she outlines in it...praying Scripture over our sons in the areas they need it most. As I read the introduction to the book, I was already crying. When I realized she wrote each Scripture out, leaving blanks to add our sons' names, I was toast. She has Scriptures for over a dozen areas of our sons' lives, from obedience and submission to authority, to purity and integrity, to the fruit of the Spirit. I can't read over them for too long right now because I'm going to lunch with a friend and don't want to cry my makeup off. I can't wait to start praying these over my Kiddo.
Beginning April 1, 2011, through April 29, 2011, Brooke will be hosting 21 Days of Prayer for Sons. It is based on Warrior Prayers, and will be an intensive time of prayer for our boys. Like she says on her blog, "It's our hope." Oh, how it is our hope!
Now that you know a little of the e-book, I want you to hear from the author's heart. This is the first part of our interview. Tomorrow I will post the conclusion as well as have something special for you!
First, introduce yourself! Tell us about your family.
In short, I'm your average homeschooling mom, married to the guy I've had a crush on since the 3rd grade. We've been married for almost nine years now and we have two little boys born just 23 months apart.
What prompted you to write this book?
I've asked God for a lot of things in my life. But I never asked Him to give me a prayer ministry. I inherited that when He gave me two strong-willed, demanding, rambunctious, selfish, delightful little boys. I found out very quickly after #2 was born that I couldn't do this thing called motherhood by myself. I distinctly remember one of my first nights alone with them after my husband went back to work (he works shift work). My oldest was crying for my attention. My youngest was crying to be fed, but I couldn't get him to nurse because of the chaos my firstborn was creating. To top it all off, our 80 lb English Bulldog needed to go out. So both boys were crying, the dog was crying and I was crying. I put my youngest in the swing, my oldest in the playpen, leashed up the dog, grabbed my phone and plopped myself down on the front porch, miserable. I called my husband in tears and said "I NEED BEER AND CIGARETTES NOW!" (It's even funnier when you know that I don't really drink and I don't smoke). He brought me a Coke and dark chocolate. It helped. That may have been the first of many times to come that I would find myself walking around my house screaming "HELP ME JESUS!" at the top of my lungs. And so was birthed my desperate prayer life.
Why "warriors" why not just "good guys"?
The term "warrior" may be a tad overused, but I love what it communicates. I'm a passionate person. I believe strongly in things. And more than anything I desire to raise men who will be passionate about Christ, what they believe in, willing to stand up for it, die for it if need be.
I love the thought that we are raising "warriors" for Christ, even though it is NOT easy. I am so thankful Brooke's passion for her own children spilled over to help the rest of us! Tomorrow I will have the rest of the interview and the chance to win a copy of Brooke's e-book!

Thanks SO much for having me here today friend!
You are so welcome! It was my pleasure!
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