In the fall of 2010, I was introduced to one of the coolest blogs around...the M.O.B. Society. In case you haven't heard of it, that would be Mothers of Boys. Since I are a mother of a boy, it was right up my alley.
Today we are hopping around the blog world of other M.O.B.'s, and if you're here from that par-tay, I'm excited to introduce myself to you!
I won't go into why I call myself "Heathahlee" because you can read that here, but I will tell you a bit more about myself and why I love the M.O.B. Society.This is my Kiddo. He is our only kiddo, much to his dismay most of the time. He feels like we have deprived him by not having any siblings for him, but I try to tell him that we really didn't have much to do about that and that evidently the Lord knew he was enough for us to handle. Heh. He rolls his eyes. He's eleven...'nuff said.
We homeschool him, and it's as rewarding as it is challenging. He is an extremely bright boy who sometimes has to be pushed to do his best. I can't wait to see how God uses him as he matures. My Momma always said he was going to be the next Billy Graham. Hmm...don't know about that, but maybe the next Chris Tomlin! :) (He has a gorgeous singing voice and has a natural talent for the acoustic and bass guitars.)
My blog is about my life...the good, the bad, and the crafty! And I throw a homeschool post in the mix every once in a while. Along with my Kiddo, I talk about my husband....(He ROCKS!)
my dog, (Isn't he cute?)
my ministry,
(I'm the alto section leader of our choir and direct every other time we sing. I'm also on the Praise Team. I adore what I get to do each week!)
and my tassels. You can see more of them at my Etsy shop, Butterfly Genes. I lurve making, giving, and selling these pretty things for your home. Among other things like recipes, reading the Bible in 90 days (yes it can be done!), and other random stuff.
Brooke asked us to share what our sons' favorite books were, but that would take three forevers to put on here! I'm blessed to say that Kiddo is a reader. He will read almost anything you put in front of him, but his favorite authors are Chris Fabry (any of his young adult stuff!) and Frank Peretti (his youth fiction in particular, but he also loves This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness). He also loves The Chronicles of Narnia books. He also likes to read biographies, his favorites being C.S. Lewis's and Tony Dungy's. I know, two totally different people, but that's how my kid rolls.
I love being able to connect with other M.O.B.'s! To know that I'm not the only one who has a child who sometimes makes me crazy, but other times makes me want to hold on to him forever.
Thank you, Brooke and Erin, for creating this place for us boy moms to get encouragement, prayer, and laughter!

I LOVE that your son likes to read Frank Peretti...he is one of my favorites, as well as Ted Dekker. So nice to meet you!
and i love you all over again! fun to have a recap of YOU! i've never checked out MOB... maybe i should!!!
Hey there,I have so much in common with you all.We have an ONLY child(Boy)he is turning 11 in oct..I try to remember that GOd chose for us to have one child but then I tend to think we need another,even though its 10 years later and we always said only one BC it was rough.Some people whom ask WHY NOT ANOTHER,just don't get it.
Its nice to meet you and your wonderful son.
PLease come on over and visit.
Yay! I love MOB society too!! Looking forward to meeting you at relevant!!
Hi Heathahlee! I have one big reader (he's 20) one medium reader (he will be 11 in about a week) and one who runs when I say read. ;) We're currently reading the Narnia series aloud at bedtime with the younger guys.
I hope we get to meet at Relevant this year! (I'm @MommaKnows, in case you forgot me!) :)
Here for the party! It was great to meet you. Looks like your family is a busy and happy one. The next Chris Tomlin? That sounds GREAT!
I have 4 sons, but I figured out pretty quickly that with only 1, I was still outnumbered -- the only pink in the house. (Hence, my book!) Come on over sometime!
I've never even heard of tassels. How cute are they?! :)
Nice you meet you and your boy.
Stoppin' in from the hop! Enjoyed reading some of your posts, and am lookin forward to getting to know you better!
I'm doing the hop. Your boy sounds awesome! I have 4 boys! Come over sometime www.youngmightymenofgod.blogspot.com
What a adorable son you have! Your site is wonderful! Here from the hop! Have a great day!
Oh, Heathahlee, after your months and months of your faithful commenting on my blog, I am finally here! (Did you happen to notice that although I have a blog, I have yet to PARTICIPATE in the blog world?! I'm finally coming out! :)
Anyway, I'm so happy to have come on the day you mention MOB because I've gotta get on over there and subscribe! (Now that I'm a, you know, MOB.)
So much love to you and your boy! I'm sure your caring and generous heart are amongst his greatest treasures.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog!
"A child who sometimes makes me crazy, but other times makes me want to hold on to him forever" -- that sums it up so nicely!
I love your tone here. I see a few posts on your sidebar I want to check out!
I'm visiting from the MOB Society blog hop. It is great to meet other moms with boys. God has blessed you with a great family and ministry. Thanks for sharing more about yourselves.
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