That Susie Harris. She did this to me. I couldn't stop thinking about it after she posted about it. I searched the world over (okay, my little town) for it and didn't sleep (well, maybe just a little) until the treasure was found. I wasn't ready for it yet. Never do I get sucked in to its temptation so early in the season.
What is this thing that has such a hold on me? What calls me to strange places (Walgreens) at all hours of the night (it was about 10:00 PM) so that I might quench this need? After this post you have to ask? It's CANDY CORN! It's my favorite candy in all the world. Well, at least in fall it is. I lurve candy corn. So much so that I couldn't wait to tear into the bag as soon as I got home.

Hey, at least I waited until I got home. Uh, I think I did. I was feeling particularly giving that night and bought one bag for my family and another bag for a friend who also loves candy corn. bag never made it to his hands. Within a week we (okay, I) had snarffled (that's a word in mine and Kat's dictionary) down that whole bag. The other bag, the one for our friend...poor thing; it didn't have a chance.
Now, having said all that, I will say that it's taken me quite a bit longer to get rid of the second bag. I just finished it last night. I will, out of love for our friend, have to buy another bag. Oh, alright, I'll buy his when I buy me another bag. He'll be lucky if his ever makes it to him.
Thanks a lot, Susie! See what you started! ; )
Today, please remember those in Louisiana still cleaning up from Gustav. Susie is one of those folks. Not to mention all the people in Texas. Wow. I'm praying this hurricane season is over!
Added September 19th...for those of you coming by from other countries, particularly Australia (that makes me SO happy!), here is the Wikipedia explanation of candy corn.
"Candy Corn is a confection popular in the United States, particularly around Halloween. Each piece is approximately the size of a whole kernel of corn, as if it fell off a ripe or dried ear of corn. The candy is usually tri-colored with a yellow base, orange center, and white tip, although the color combinations may vary. Candy corn is made primarily from sugar, corn syrup and honey. Carnauba Wax (whatever that is) is usually added. Although it is most popular at Halloween, it is available year-round. The National Confectioners Association estimate 20 million pounds of candy corn are sold each year. October 30 is National Candy Corn Day."
So now you know. I have no idea what carnauba wax is...I don't think I want to know.
Oh yeah! I had me some candy corn today at a party! I thought it was a little early to be putting it out, but I wasn't about to pass it up. One sugary kernle after another...such a wonderful sugar high!
I haven't broken down yet and bought the candy corn but I do feel it coming.
I'm with you, I am ready for this hurricane season to be OVER! Although, Ike has brought us some nice cool weather here.
Have a great day!!
mmmm . . . i love me some candy corn! :)
if you're serious about visiting, i'm serious about the guest bedrooms! (you'd even have your own bath! :) )
You are just precious! I love it....Do you like circus peanuts? Im on that kick now, ha. You would think I was ....I cant even say that word. Three kids are enough blessings for me. Thank you LOrd, smile. When my world is not always as it should be( or how I think it should be)...I eat and clean house. Oh yeah... and cut my hair. I did all three, yikes. Thank you so much for all of your prayers. My Mom told me just this morning to just sit and be quiet with the Lord. I have the gift to gab a lot even in my prayers. My mom knows this and it's so true. So today the kids are in school and it's quiet... I will be still... and know that He is Lord.... thank you Heather....((hugs))
Candy corn is one of those things I only like once a year...and only one handful because it's like cotton candy to makes my teeth itch thinking about it! Thanks for not leaving me! And tell Kat I said HI!
I totally overdosed on the candy corn as a kid, and now I cannot think about it without wanting to throw up sugar :o) But that's just me. Enjoy it!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog this afternoon :o)
Thank you LORD! This is not one of my vices. In fact, I can't stand the stuff. Too sweet. Blech.
There's not much out there I won't eat...candy corn, Marshmallow Peeps, those disgusting Cadbury eggs with the gooey center...yeah, I'm more of a baked-goods kinda gal.
i think you may be more like david crowder than you realize
This is a temptation I haven't fallen into yet. The blinders are on while I'm in the store and I'm determined to wait until October 1.
You are so funny about the candy corn. I don't really like it very much too sweet...but, I want to try it mixed with peanuts and m&m's. I am hearing that is REALLY good!!!
You are so funny! Thankfully I don't like candy corn. :) Did you make the candy corn garland?
i LOVE candy corn, espeically mixed with peanuts, and was reminded by another blogger as well that is offically candy corn season!!! now that i've seen these yummy candies twice this morning, i am forced to run downstairs to the store and get a bag for myself :)
hope you are having a wonderful day!
What is candy corn? I think I would like it!! :-D
Seriously, we certainly do not have it in Australia...
Ruth xx are too funny...but, I pronounce it (praline) prayleen...what about you???
lol I was at the dollar store today and totally picked up a bag of candy corn and decided to put it back because I knew I would end up eating it and not making anything with it! :)
That looks interesting. I have never seen on heard of it before, is it very sweet.
Hi sorry I just popped over from Rachel's Journal Pages.
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