Everyone seems to be putting up their "Best Of" post of 2009 today, so I guess I'll follow suit. Hmmm....what to choose...
Should it be...
Something about tassels?
My first ever Linky Party?
Accomplishments by Kiddo?
My Epiphany?
Heathahlee and Kat's Excellent Adventure?
I know you're probably thinking, "Come on! Get it over with!" And I will...tomorrow. Hee hee hee. I love to torture you.
Seriously, tomorrow I will reveal the post that I consider my favorite. I teared up reading it again just now, and it's been almost a year since I wrote it. I'm sure you've probably guessed WHO it's about, but you might not remember WHAT it's about. Stay tuned...

Hi Heather,
Hope your New Year start is off to a good one. I am excited to blog with you in 2010!!♥
I'm stopping by to wish you a happy new year full of great success with your business. :)
Have fun!
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