Well, here I was thinking we were going to get through the winter none the worse for wear. I don't even know what that phrase means. Anyway, my point is that I thought we'd made it to the warm springtime with no major sicknesses to slow us down. Aside from a couple of sinus infections that I expect every year, up until yesterday we had made it home free.
Kiddo woke up yesterday complaining about his throat really hurting. Since he NEVER gets sick (hence the thought we'd made it yet another year), I thought it really should be seen. No fever, just drainage and a slightly red throat. Dr. does a strep test, it comes back negative, and we go home with some sample antihistamines.
An hour after we get home, Kiddo starts complaining about EVERYTHING hurting. I reach over to comfort him and realize he's now burning up. 101.2 fever. Yay. By the time I get the nurse on the phone it's gone up to 102.2, and I'm thinking he has the flu. The flu? We homeschool, for goodness sake! We shouldn't get communicable diseases! Oh, yeah. We do go to church. And Wal-mart. Blech.
Back to the doctor's office for a flu swab. Thankfully, it's negative, and the nurse says it's viral and to give him the round of Tylenol-Motrin-Tylenol-Motrin cycle every three hours and to make him drink fluids till his eyeballs are swimming. Maybe she didn't say that exactly, but that's what my goal was yesterday and today.
His fever went down all the way to normal this afternoon after waking up with 102.5, but right before bed it went back up to 99.3....sigh....I hope this doesn't last long...I hate to see my Kiddo not feeling well. Plus, the Awana Olympics are Saturday, and he's excited to be a part of it. If he's still sick tomorrow, I guess he won't be able to play. Which makes all of us sad.
I bet if I'd brought by the Krispies he'd be better. Sorry :(
Seriously, you know I'm wishing a speedy recovery!
I'm so sorry to hear Kiddo's sick! When Will was little and he'd get a high fever he would start seeing things! I hope Kiddo's better very soon so he can go play! You know kids they can get sick really fast and get well really fast! Now you and my nephew have got to stay well! God Bless! Aunt Lauralu! :)
Oh poor guy. I'll pray for him to be all better for the Olympics Saturday. That sounds like a lot of fun. At least it wasn't strep or the flu.
oh, another case of "mystery fever" ... mine get it every so often (but thankfully not recently - knock on wood or pray or whatever the Christian way to ward off jinxes is - just kidding!)....Hope he's better SOON! I <3 Awana's!! Hate for him to miss out.
hi heathahlee,
i'm sorry to hear that your kiddo's sick. i pray he feels better soon and that he's able to participate on his olympics saturday.
take care of yourself as well.
Oh, I hope he gets feeling better VERY quickly!!
I'm sorry my nephew is not feeling well today. Tell him I love him and I hope he gets better real quick!
Love you!
I hope today he is MUCH better so he can compete tomorrow.
poor thing :( i hope he feels better today and can play in the olypmics! and i hope you don't get sick either!
don't forget today is Free Giveaway Friday, so be sure to swing by The Pink Potpourri and enter to win!
Hope he is feeling better and ready for the Olympics by Saturday!
Poor thing!
My boys all had a sore throat and ended up with a cough this week. I felt them with my hand and they didn't feel hot so I made them suck it up.
This morning I woke up with a BURNING horrible sore throat and finally took my temp and have a low grade fever. I feel horrible b/c I'm betting they had a fever too but I didn't check.
I get the best mom award, right?
Hope your fella feels better!
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