I'm so glad Kari & Kijsa are having a Pillow Parade today! I'm a little late getting in on it, but I had to re-share my pillow that I made.
This pillow was handmade by me with fabric that used to cover a mattress that was at my Mimmie and Grandaddy's house since before I was born. I had that mattress but really needed to get rid of it (hello, it was almost 40 years old!), but I couldn't bear the thought of throwing it or the covered boxspring out altogether. So, I cut the fabric off and made this pillow, using fringe I found at Hobby Lobby. It matched perfectly, and I LOVE this pillow. It pretty much sums up my personality...I am dreadfully sentimental, miss my Grandparents, love soft, earthy colors, enjoy looking at pretty things in my home, and can actually use a sewing machine when I have to. Read the whole story here.

Now, head on over to Kari & Kijsa's and join in the pillow fun!

I remember seeing this in a previous post. Love it! The story behind it makes it so much more special.
We love the beautiful fringe on this pillow! Thanks for joining in the fun!
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
smiles, kari & kijsa
I LOVE that pillow!!!
Beautiful! Love the fringe!
Lovely pillow and the fringe really makes it.
That was a great idea and the fringe is absolutely perfect!
What a good idea to make the pillow from the mattress cover! Great that the fringe matches perfectly!
Heather what a sweet pillow! What a sentimental thing to do! The pillow's so cute too! Love Ya! Aunt Lauralu! :)
What a wonderful tribute to your grandparents and their influence on your life. Very special. Thank you for sharing.
I remember reading about this before! They don't make mattresses like they used to huh! Love that you incorporated something sentimental into your home!
wow! that looks fantastic! that is such a beautiful print and i love the fringe!
The pillow is pretty, but the story behind it makes it awesome!
That, my dear, is one cute pillow! You are GOOD! And that fringe! Be still my rapidly beating magpie heart!!! I cannot believe you made that pillow out of a matrress??? Did I read this correctly? WOW! Girl, you can come cut up my mattresses any time! LOL! Loved this. :-)
When I signed on, I came through my blog following the birdseed trail you left there, and your pictures looks so much like a friend of mine I thought she had a alias!
Thanks for visitng, and how on earth did I miss your post yesterday??? I thought I had gone to visit everyone at Kari and Kijsa's, but boy I'm glad you found me because I wouldn't have wanted to miss seeing that pillow and meeting you!
Glad to see you on the parade route...
Sheila :-)
What a fantastic idea, and what a treasure. The fringe looks like it was made for it.
Thank you for sharing this special story.
Love that fabric and fringe! So cute!
Now that was a neat idea! How sentimental! What a nice remembrance of your Grandparents. There isn't a day that goes by I don't think about my Gramma....Robyn
hi heathahlee,
great job on that pillow and preserving memories at the same time.
by the way, i will be trying your pasta carbonara recipe. it looks delicious.
I love that pillow. What an awesome idea to use the fabric from the mattress! You've inspired me to look at everything in a whole new light. :o)I would of been sentimental like you but not have known what to do with it. :o)
Did you love that too! I tell ya Miss Rhoda has got some style going on. Its so much fun having someone figure out all of the whoits and whatits and you can copy. I have mirrors already and paid way too much..darn it! I wish I had know her back then. I hope to see yours when its all done up and pretty.
Hows the schoolin' going today? I had Madison home with me for the last three days and I just love you all the more. I dont see how you can do it. I bet we are going to be so flooded with homework this weekend,ugh! Oh well she feels better but her kitty was killed yesterday by a car. She thinks it ran away and I dont have the heart to tell her different,wrong? Im not sure what to do because she is so broken up about it.I will be so glad when next week gets here and this one is but a memory. We have a wedding to go to this Friday and Im looking forward to getting a dressed up.. fun fun..Im still in pj's and its almost noon. Shameonme~
It's gorgeous! And the sentiment behind is is even more beautiful. I remember when you first posted about that mattress. I think this is one of the sweetest ways to remember a loved one.
You can come cut up my mattress any time.
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