Headed to the GI doctor today for another test. I will be SOOOOO happy when these things are OVER! I figured today was as good as any to show you what's in my craft room...and what makes me so happy...
Usually I take Tuesdays to highlight a new tassel. But since I have no new tassels with which to share (and since by the time I post this it won't be Tuesday anymore), I will highlight my creative space where I make the tassels. I've told you about my new craft room, as well as shared about some of the stuff I use in there for tassels. Today I want to show you a few more specifics.

In the back of the table on the left hand side you can see my glue gun. What would I do without that thing? Well, I can tell you now it wouldn't be tassels. It's a high temp gun to make sure the glue holds onto whatever it is I'm gluing fringe or ribbon to. It makes for some painful burns if (um...when) I manage to get some on me, but it's worth it to know stuff will stick. I have it sitting on the bottom tier of my Pampered Chef stand. The other two tiers are holding little things that get lost in the shuffle in the other craft stuff.
The scissors on the front of the table I've had for 23 years. I got them as a Freshman in college. Being Ginghers, they were worth the money, but dang, they were expensive! They really are great scissors (actually the pair I have are technically called shears). I even have my name engraved on them. That was more for identification in class than anything, but I love that they show that they are mine. I even still have the storage box they came in (that's it on the right side of the rack on the wall). I just found out that Gingher will repair and sharpen your Gingher scissors for $7.50, and that includes return shipping! Since mine are in dire need of sharpening, I might have to do without them for a few weeks.
As far as the other stuff on the wall rack, I use everything on there with almost every tassel, except for the stuff hanging on the left side. Florist wire for threading ribbon through a topper, an ice pick for poking holes through stuff, some dang sharp cutters (loppers? garden shears?) for cutting dowels and anything too big for my wire cutters to cut through, twine and a hole punch for adding my business card to tassel packages, a measuring tape.... I use it all. I even have a little bucket that holds mini glue gun sticks, but I don't use my little one very much. Gotta have Gertrude for most of my projects.
I just noticed the zebra sitting in the middle of the table. He had some funky looking feet but I cut them off and used some Sculpey clay to make hooves and a little ball on his tail and now he is so cute! I can't wait to use him on a tassel.
As far as other toppers, I have so many I can't name them all, but here are a few for your viewing pleasure...

And finally...

Oh. But wait. In my next crafty post I will finally show you what I've been working on with these cuties.
I. Can't. Wait.

I want my new blog to be finished so I can craft and post and hang on your every word :)
I think it's great you have so many pieces that can be the foundation for your tassels, Heather! I know that bunny's "new home" will be happy to have it join the crew of tassels here! : )
oh Heathahlee you make me smile....all these gorgeous 'things' waiting in your craft room to be fussed and primped over ready for tassles & the like!!! Praying all will be well with these test results too, TK xx
How cute,I love all the things you make BUT the ones i really deeply love are the chickens and the christmas.CHRISTMAS is our favorite time of the year and we love our hens and chicks.
Oh girl! I need a rooster or a bird tassle. Maybe both. Pretty darn cute!
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