Friday, October 21, 2011

31 Days of Worship - Preaching With Accompaniment

Today I'm so happy to share a post from one of my favorite people in the world. His name is Reid Kirk and he was until recently my son's junior high pastor. His wife, Amber, was in my alto section until they had their sweet little boy. They've recently moved to Texas (Reid will tell you about that in a minute), and my family misses them GREATLY. Here's more about him...

Reid was born in Durant, Mississippi, on May 8, 1981. He has served churches in Mississippi and Texas in both student and worship ministries since surrendering his life to full time ministry in 2000. He is currently serving as the Worship and Student Pastor of Fairview Baptist Church in Sherman, Texas. Reid loves encouraging and leading people to an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and desires to see people of all ages taking the gifts God has given them and using them to make Jesus glorified. He received his bachelors from Blue Mountain College in 2004 and his Master’s degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2007. He married his wife Amber on May 12, 2007. They added to their family with a son named Aiden on April 21, 2010. When Reid isn’t hanging out with students or playing music, he is most likely spending time with Amber and Aiden or watching and participating in some sport, hunting/fishing.

On August 8th, 2011 I started a new role: Worship Pastor. I have led worship numerous times for many years, but this is a new “gig”. I have learned quickly that this is more than just picking a few songs, determining the appropriate key, rehearsing, and then playing these new songs. This is a very draining, daunting, difficult, detailed task (trying to stay in the key of D). I have quickly learned that not all the songs I think are needed in a worship service whet the appetite of every person I am pastoring. Even more so, I am learning that many of those people will quickly tell you this. Some will tell you politely, and others not so much.

Regardless, my eyes and ears have been opened. I have not regretted accepting this call or position, but rather I am learning more about the approach I should take to be the worship leader I was called to pastor.

In the midst of opening up boxes and organizing my new office, I ran across this little paragraph about the role of the worship leader.

The three word job description of a worship leader:

Preaching With Accompaniment

The songs we sing should teach and shape the lives of people. Worship leader, you are thus no less accountable to the Word of God than your pastor. The Word and worship combined is the double-edged sword that scatters the enemy.

While I don’t think this paragraph will cause all negativity to subside, make the rehearsals run smoother, make the difficult notes to come out easier, or will help me remember that F# has 6 sharps (and should be avoided), but it will keep me reminded that I am accountable to boldly lead people to His throne of grace. This responsibility is humbling.


Thank you so much, Reid! I think this post is perfect for where I want to take this series next week. That's when I want to share some practical helps (and some silly videos probably) that we use at our church to plan our worship services. But before we practically plan, we must spiritually plan, and I hope up to now that's what I've helped you do.

Looking forward to next week!

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