If you're coming over from
Denise in Bloom, Welcome! And if you're not, Welcome to you, too! : )
Denise is hosting a sort of
Relevant 2011 meet and greet today so I wanted to join in. I can't tell you how excited I am to be attending Relevant again this year. Last year was so amazing I prayed I would be able to go to this year's conference.
I won't go into why I call myself "Heathahlee" because you can read that
here, but I'll tell you a little about myself, then I want to tell you about something God has done for me already regarding the conference. A lot of what is in this post is in an earlier post I did for the
M.O.B. Society blog hop, so stop me if you've heard this before. : )
My blog is about my life...the good, the bad, and the
crafty! And I throw a homeschool post in the mix every once in a while. I talk
about my husband,

(He ROCKS! We've been married 16 years. He's my best friend.)

(He is our
only kiddo, much to his dismay most of the time. He feels like we have deprived him by not having any siblings for him, but I try to tell him that we really didn't have much to do about that and that evidently the Lord knew he was enough for us to handle. Heh. He rolls his eyes. He's eleven...'nuff said.)

(Isn't he cute? And SPOILED!)
my ministry,
(I'm the alto section leader of our choir and direct every other time we sing. I'm also on the Praise Team. I adore what I get to do each week, leading our church to worship the Savior!)
my tassels, 
(You can see more of them at my Etsy shop, Butterfly Genes. I lurve making, giving, and selling these pretty things for your home.)
...among other things like
reading the Bible in 90 days (yes it can be done!), and other
random stuff.
Back to what I said earlier about what God has done for me regarding Relevant. I needed a sponsor. I begged God for a sponsor. I wrote letters. I sent emails. I made phone calls. Nothin'. Nada. Zilch. Not one "yes." I wondered if I was doing something wrong since so many other people were successfully getting a sponsor.
I already had my ticket to the conference, but needed the sponsorship for everything else. So, I decided I needed to do something on my own to try to get the money. I started thinking about my tassels and how I could make them more marketable and came up with the idea of
keychain tassels.
Oh. My. Goodness. I absolutely adore them. I was terrified at the idea of doing something I had never tried and had never seen done before, and I put it off for a long time. I finally realized I HAD to do something, and came up with this...

Squeeeeeee! Do you see what the ribbon in front says? Relevant '11! So, I put it out there and tweeted and posted (all this since Thursday of last week) and so far I have about 10 orders.
So, I was still nervous about getting all the money together to buy my plane ticket, like, NOW, when all of a sudden I got a phone call out of the blue from someone who is close to me, but I haven't spoken with in a while. She asked me how much I needed for Relevant and I told her. She said, "Well, I've got $300 or $400 I'll give you."
Me: "WHAT?????? Why would you do that?"
Her: "It was either that or get Botox and I figured it would be better spent giving it to you."
HA! She told me the Lord had put it on her heart to do this. Who am I to argue? :)
So, my plane ticket is paid for. Well, technically not yet, but it will be. God is so good. My husband told me he felt like God wanted me to step out in faith with these tassels and do the work, and THEN He'd provide.
I still need money for my room and other expenses associated with the trip, so I still need to sell quite a few more, but what a burden has been lifted! If you'd like one, click any of the links associated with the order post either in this post or at the top of my sidebar. You can also order them without the Relevant ribbon.
I look forward to meeting you at Relevant 2011 in October!