Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fall Tassels on Sale!

With the approach of Thanksgiving next week, along with the relentless tirade from television, radio, Facebook, Twitter, etc, etc. that WE MUST START CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW OR WE'LL MISS OUT ON THE BIGGEST SALES EVER!!!!!



What was I saying? OH! Since the Christmas season is upon us, my fall/autumn tassels are now on sale.

Autumn Acorn Tassel - $23.00

Basket o' Plenty Tassel - $15

Pumpkin Tassel with Bow Tie - $14

And of course, since the Christmas season is upon us, I have several Christmas tassels that haven't been snatched up yet.

All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go Penguin - $25

And there are several more where he came from. Of course, if you'd like a custom tassel, I'm sure I have a topper and fringe that will fit just about anyone on your gift list. Even your cranky old Uncle Edgar.

Okay...maybe not him. But everyone else!

Oh, and remember, if you have bought a tassel from me before, you get free shipping!

1 comment:

Kat said...

So, would I qualify for free shipping? I mean, I've never actually bought a tassel from you as I always seem to mooch them out of you for a birthday gift or somethin'. Oh wait, I actually did buy a Snowman Tassel....but I think you sold him to me for a "bah-gain"! So yeah, I probably wouldn't qualify for free shipping ;)